In 2003 professor Jan Rocek finished his extended curriculum vitae dealing predominantly with the era of 1924-1966, when he and his family navigated through the complicated and dramatic century, including German occupation of Czechoslovakia, the holocaust, exodus from the communist block, immigration and building a new life in the United States. In 2008 also his wife, Eva Rocek, finished her similarly interesting part.
V roce 2003 profesor Jan Rocek dokoncil podrobny zivotopis, ve kterem popisuje zejmena udalosti z let 1924-1996, kdy se svou rodinou musel prekonavat dramaticke nastrahy 20. stoleti, vcetne nemecke okupace Ceskoslovenska, holokaustu, uteku z komunistickeho tabora, a budovani noveho zivota jako emigrant ve Spojenych Statech. V roce 2008 jeho zena, Eva Rockova, take sepsala svoje velmi poucne vzpominky.